As we were walking to create a BLM’s install we notices the crazy amount of signs left on the streets after the protest, so we repurposed them into our installations.

As we were walking to create a BLM’s install we notices the crazy amount of signs left on the streets after the protest, so we repurposed them into our installations.

Where to even begin. This movement was much needed; however, why did so many lives have to be taken for this to happen. My heart goes out to the families of the lives lost, and the lives lost that have not been recognized.

Every day a new report of someone we have lost due to police brutality—something I will never have to experience because I am white. I truly wish this was not the case.

Found at the Jiffy Lube in the Mission

Found at the Jiffy Lube in the Mission

With many emotions on what and how to take action, Katie and I decided to do what we know best. We are using our flower talent, but there are lots of other ways we are sharing our solidarity.

Lake Merritt, Oakland

Lake Merritt, Oakland

Two lovely friends of mine reached out to see if I wanted to help create a memorial altar for all the lives lost. I was 100% on board as soon as they asked. There was no question in my mind I wouldn't be apart of it.

I knew creating a memorial was important to these girls because it was the best way they could honor the loss. They are Hispanic, and creating altars is how the honor the ones they have love, and flowers are a huge part of these memorials.

Over the week any people added to our altar with more flowers, pictures and signs.

Over the week any people added to our altar with more flowers, pictures and signs.

While we were creating the piece on Lake Merritt, we had the chance to have an open dialogue with the community. It's precisely what the movement needs. People need to listen and talk. I almost cried 10 times during the 2 hours we were there. Tears of making genuine connections, tears of hearing real stories of oppression, and tears of mothers scared for their children's lives.

I think posting and reading it extremely helpful and maybe the perfect step for a few that weren't as aware of the movement, but I knew I needed more than a post or an article. I had already been apart of this fight, but I wanted to hear voices and tell them I am here for them.

Protesting in Grass Valley

Protesting in Grass Valley

I had heated talks about protesting and have heard mixed feelings from the black community about white protesters. I wasn't going to protest this time because of the things I heard. A lot of the black community thought this fight was for the wrong reason. I can agree, but I also disagree. Then on my small, mostly white town's Facebook page, I saw trolls reaping the protest apart; that's when I knew then I needed to be there.

I have and always will stand with the black community and all races and diversities. The first time in my life I do not live in a diverse town or city, and I feel uncomfortable about it. I choose to live in this community not for "better schools" or "it's safer," but we couldn't afford the inner city, and I wanted to be closer to nature. If you choose to live in a white community for better schools, you are the problem. It would be best if you were fighting all schools are equal.

Ash and Oak for Black Lives Matter

I listened to my sister, who is 18 and protesting with her black boyfriend, who she felt empowered and proud to be able to make a stand. But after a few days, I heard her complain her boyfriend wasn't giving her enough attention and was only focusing on the cause. I had to have a real conversation and tell her it's not about you right now. Confronting your family may be the hardest thing to do, but it's the best first step.

I stand with this movement and vow to continue until there is true justice, even when everyone else has forgotten.

If you don't know where to begin and you have funds, please donate to the sites below if you don't have funds get out of the house and talk with a stranger white or black about the cause.






Established 2014 in Oakland, California