Wedding flower prices and expected budgets by Ash + Oak

I am sure it’s very frustrating for brides trying to hire a florist when you have no idea how much wedding flowers cost. So we are here to help. First, start with picking your top 4 florists based on their style and website. Be upfront about your budget and style design in your inquiry. Let the florist decide if they can work within your budget. This help save your time as well as the floral designer. Plus, judge the florist by their website or Instagram. If it looks high end, or all their weddings are at expensive venues they probably charge a higher rate. It’s like buying coffee. When you walk into a hipster coffee shop with compostable everything you know you are going to spend at least $6-$8 on coffee. If you walk into a mom and pop coffee shop you expect to spend under $5. It’s the same for florist and their Instagram and website. Trust me this will save you time and the florist time.

FYI expect to pay between $25-$50 per person for wedding flowers if you want personal flowers, ceremony decor, centerpieces and a few extras in the Bay Area.

If you're paying less, you are paying for what you get. It's probably not going to be the best or very smooth. In my opinion, hiring someone who has been in the business and charges a little more will deliver much better service than a newbie who underprices. Do you want to risk that on your big day? You are still spending thousands of dollars. If you don't have that much money to spend you may be better off on DIY or using candles as centerpieces and paying for personal flowers.

What you should expect to pay for wedding flowers by Ash + Oak

As a florist we don’t want to list our prices because it looks tacky and every wedding is different. We can't guarantee every bridal bouquet is going to cost the same. One client may want a tiny bouquet with seasonal fresh flowers, and another bride will want an ex-large bouquet with rare, delicate flowers. These are two different prices. So listing bridal bouquets for $300 isn’t going to work.

Yes, we could create packages which would allow the client with ZERO creative say. Which means you won't get to choose the style, flowers, and size. With floral design changing every day, we can not set prices. We aren't Starbucks where no matter what time of the year or which location you go to, it will be the same.

In our field of work, it's not just us created the prices of bouquets. It’s the weather, farmers, and wholesalers. When There is a massive storm or late season, and there aren’t as many flowers, the prices are higher. It’s a lot like grocery stores and buying produce.

So there are many factors in why we can’t list our prices online. Yes, there may be a few florists that do, but they are florist, not floral wedding designers. If you want high quality and fine art designs, you have to pay for it.

2020 floral cost by Ash + Oak

Just because your mom took a class in high school doesn’t mean she can create you an extravagant ceremony installation. You are paying for our CRAFT, MECHANICS, ARTISTIC ability, not just the flowers. Don’t forget you're also paying for our time emailing, sourcing, buying, and processing. You don’t question a restaurant for adding these cost into the price of the steak you spend $45 because you want it. Though you know, you can buy the same steak at the grocery store for $18 or straight from the farmer for $12. So why are you trying to negotiate prices with us?

I know I said we couldn't list our prices because there are many factors, but I want to help all you lovely brides. I have done my research on the internet, and there are a lot of false statements out there. Why are you ladies reading blogs about FLOWER prices written by bloggers or other wedding vendors? Plus it's all about location. Prices vary from city to city, just like the cost of the rent. So the prices I am about to list for you are for Bay Area/Northern California. I am assuming SoCal is very similar but maybe a little higher.

Bridal Bouquets:

Yes, the size may affect the price, but for a medium-size bridal bouquet, you should expect to spend between $250-$375. A good designer will wrap the stems in hand-dyed silk/chiffon/velvet ribbon (whatever fits your theme) and will deliver the bouquet in a glass vase. A bridal bouquet can take up to an hour to make if not more. We use the best of the best flowers for the bridal bouquet and usually buy a few extra unique, expensive blooms just for the bridal bouquet.

Bridesmaid Bouquets:

Are usually smaller than the bridal bouquet but still take up about as much time and consent of the all second-best flowers. Again wrapped in hand-dyed ribbon and delivered in a vase. Costing you between $85-$150 each. Size and style is a factor in the price.


No matter if it's the groom to the officiant bouts are usually close in price. The average bout cost between $18-$25. An experienced floral designer will make the groom larger or with a statement bloom and wrap the bouts in a hand-dyed ribbon. The most high-end florist will also deliver them on a stylish tray for a great Instagram photo opt.


So this is a tough one. Centerpiece styles have changed over the years. In the '90s the tall centerpieces were all the rage, then in the early 2000s, it was the overstuff classic rose and hydrangea look. Now, it a mix of so many things. You can get garland, 3 mini arrangements per table, bud vases, one large piece, and the tall wild arrangement. There are more options I didn't list. So to set a price is very hard. REAL QUICK garland is NOT CHEAPER than flowers. It's 2X as much labor and can take 2 hours to build a 10ft garland whereas a centerpiece can take 1 hour. Garland $18-$25 per ft unless you add flowers and that will increase your cost. A regular centerpiece $125-$275 and bud vases $25-$35 per bud vase. Just think about buying your mom birthday flowers from 1-800-flowers you spend about $100 for something UGLY, and you don't get to pick the flowers, color, style or vase. Plus you are paying for tax and delivery for those flowers too.

I know this may seem scary; however, if you want a Pinterest wedding or just something better than your friends, you are going to have to pay for it. If you have $2,000 for 150 people, WE ARE NOT YOUR FLORIST. We are floral designers who will treat you like a QUEEN.

What to expect to spend on wedding flower in the bay area by Ash + Oak

RACHEL + ANDREW Cuffey's Cove Wedding

RACHEL + ANDREW Cuffey's Cove Wedding



Established 2014 in Oakland, California